Oddly Sure and Banksy Redux: Cool Runnings All the Way

Just to let you know that despite the global financial meltdown and the downfall of another wall–Wall Street–WE ARE NOT IN PANIC MODE in Jamaica. Don’t worry, be happy, Audley Shaw, our Finance Minister seems to be saying. Are things snowballing? You think we have a snowball’s chance in hell of making it? Fret not, remember our prowess at bobsledding? We will survive man! Think positive! NO! NO! Not HIV Positive! Positive! Positive!

In every life we have some trouble
When you worry you make it double
Don’t worry, be happy……

Bobby McFerrin got the idea for his song from the oft-repeated saying of an Indian mystic, Meher Baba, whose most famous utterance apparently was, Don’t worry, be happy…just thought you’d like to know–

And speaking of the downfall of another wall my young friend Peter Dean Rickards (The Afflicted One) has struck again. The man who ‘outed’ Banksy last year is now giving away a piece of wall that the graffiti superstar left his tag on when he visited Kingston some years ago. Not only that–he’s selling 10 photos of the wall being taken down for US$100,000 on eBay. If you buy all 10 you’ll be the proud owner of the ex-Mona Pub wall as well…check it out.

The Afflicted Yard: The Rock from firstjamaica on Vimeo.